Care & Cuddles International

I began Care & Cuddles International last year after I saw a program on my local news about homeless and battered women's shelters in my area. The program got me thinking about how sad and scared the children living in these shelters must be feeling, not to have a home of their own, or their own toys because they've fled an abusive situation with their mothers; or had lost their homes because of poverty. I wanted to find a way to make things a little easier for these almost forgotten children and try to bring back a little hope and joy to their lives.

So I started collecting gently used toys from friends, family, and garage sales and cleaned them up and started crocheting and knitting clothes for them. I also started crocheting and knitting small toys by hand to give the children as well. I use a portion of my stash to make a small "lovey" afghan for each child to go along with the toys. After starting a list of shelters across Ontario and into the United States I started donating the toys and afghans tagged with a note saying that I was thinking, and praying for them. That's how Care & Cuddles got started.

Now I have such a waiting list for shipments of toys and afghans that I thought I'd appeal to my fellow crafters across the internet to widen my donation list and to get help with the toys and afghans. If you have some gently used toys you'd care to donate, I'll gladly accept them and donate them to the children. I am also looking for 6" squares in bright colors for the afghans and some kind souls to help make some toys for the children. If you are interested in helping, my contact information is below. All toys are tagged with a note to the children stating who made the toy and that you are thinking of them. The afghans will have a cotton patch on the back with a list of everyone who contributed to that afghan.

Care & Cuddles International
26 Alexandra Blvd
St. Catharines, Ontario L2P 1J9

Other Great Charity Links I Support

Project Linus
A charity that provides blankets to kids with cancer.
Crochet Partner's Granny's Daughters Charity
A charity that provides squares from yarn scraps.
CareWear International
A charity that provides infant layettes to community hospitals internationally.